Knowledge E – enriching | engaging | empowering

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e-Resources & Library Technology
Discover collections from top tier publishers, and access all e-resources through a single platform with our digital library solutions.


Training & Consulting Programmes
Advance your academic and research staff’s competencies with our consulting services, training programmes, and self-paced online learning modules.


Publishing Services
Publish your journals or conference proceedings on our globally accessible Open Access platform to help your research get the recognition it deserves.

Seamless discovery, development & dissemination of scholarly content!

We embarked on an undefined journey in 2012 equipped with nothing but visionary beliefs, innovative ideas, humane values, and strategic plans to serve the community we were operating in. Many years later, we have grown into a team of more than 70 professionals providing scholarly content, digital resource solutions, publishing services, and educational trainings to a wide range of institutions and academic bodies from around the world. We couldn’t have made it this far without the trust and collaboration of our clients and partners, and the energy and professionalism of our team. We are committed to delivering outstanding services and products, and collaborating to revolutionise the ways in which a more knowledgeable world can be attained.

Kamran R. Kardan
Founder and CEO


Years since inception


Industry Partners


International Knowies*


clients served


researchers empowered


A knowledge enthusiast; an individual at Knowledge E
who collaboratively works towards a more knowledgeable world

Our clients

Interested in our services?

Please fill out the form below, and we’ll reach out to you as soon as we can!

I am interested in:

e-ResourcesLibrary TechnologyTraining ProgrammesConsulting ServicesPublishing ServicesOther: please specify